I implemented Local notifications using plugin https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/local-notifications/ and it works just as expected, but every time I take push my changes and take a pull again, I need to re-install the plugin and build again. Any solutions?
We have node_modules in our project directory, and it was trying to look for a package.json file inside node_modules/node_modules, so there are 2 things that could be done:
Change that path inside your project’s package.json
a) Copy cordova-plugin-app-event directory from inside of some other plugin (I found it inside Local Notification Plugin which can be found here “https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/local-notifications/”)
b) Create a directory named node_modules inside already existing node_modules directory of your project.
c) cd into /node_modules/node_modules
d) Paste cordova-plugin-app-event directory here.