Kindle Fire?


I tried to submit my Android build to the Amazon App Store, but the representatives are saying that some of my input form fields are not responsive. The application works fine for Android and iOS.

Are there any known compatibility issues between IonicFramework and Amazon Kindle Fire devices? I know it is not specifically stated that Amazon is supported, but Amazon devices run on Android.


Hm, I don’t think we’ve done any testing on the kindle. What version of android fire os are you testing on?

Amazon says it is failing on a Kindle Fire HDX which is Fire OS 3.0 with Android 4.2.2.

I don’t own any Kindle devices, but can ask Amazon if it fails on others.


I dont have access to an amazon device so I can’t confirm that our code works for it. But its based on 4.2.2’s webview, it should work fine. @andy or @adam, do you guys have any ideas on this?


I just sent Amazon a follow up email asking them which Kindle Fire devices it succeeds on, if any. It is hard to believe that it would work on Android, but not Kindle Android. Any way that Amazon heavily modded their flavor of Android?


Not sure, I’m not too knowledgable about Fire OS. From the looks of things, it seems that they’ve only changed android to call amazon services as opposed to google. But I could be wrong.

I got the following message from an Amazon employee:

This failure is noted for ALL Kindle Fire devices and non-Amazon device: Device Testing Device - Samsung - 4.2.X

Is there any possibility there is an IonicFramework bug with 4.2.X devices? I’ve only tested with 4.4.X devices.


Hmm, I test personally on 4.1 and 4.2 device, and can confirm that ionic works. Do you have a 4.2 device to test on? If not give a try and see if you are getting any errors.

I setup Genymotion like you recommended and set up the following instance:

Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.2.2

I was able to run my application without issue making this situation with the Amazon employees even more confusing.

@nraboy, were you able to resolve this and get it working on Kindle Fire?

It is hit and miss. Some of my apps work and some of them don’t. The Amazon representatives think the behind the scenes signing process is causing a compatibility issue with Ionic / Cordova. Apparently, Amazon signs all APK files even after developers sign them locally.

I gave up because I was getting no where.


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Appreciate the post. My client is wanting to support Amazon Fire.

Any news? I also want to publish through Amazon AppStore? Is there still a problem with the signing?


I also wanted to follow up and see if IONIC had any additional documentation to support Amazone app store or if anyone else had success.