I have cursor position problem in ionic app using ionic version : “1.0.0-beta.11”.
There are several problem find in the app with regarding keyboard and cursor issue they are listed below.
General Issue Found in Input and Textarea
1. Cursor Positioning & movement :– When I attempt to move the cursor
with my finger, the cursor position
still moves but display
the cursor as previous position
, Also can’t place the cursor at the end of the line
But when typing
something then cursor
will moved
in that position.
Particular Issue Found in Textarea
I had implement the Angular-Elastic to Textarea.
Where Content Of Textarea will be expand up to 6 lines and after that scrolling available in Textarea.
1. Scrolling & Display :– If I have no of lines greater than 6, I can’t scroll up
and down
to see the content in Textarea.
While Typing in Textarea beyond 6 lines, I can’t see
what we are typing.
2. Page Scrolling & Display :– When I Scrolling the page, Textarea will resize the height, After complition of scrolling the page that will display as original height.
Similar problem described in these Forum.
Screen Shot Of Input and Textarea
1. Cursor Position Issue In Input Field
2. Cursor Position Issue In Textarea
3. Scrolling & Display Issue In Textarea