Hi there…
I’m developing an app and it works great on the browser but when I run it in a real device or emulator the app load but only shows the header. No content is displayed.
I have used Android Studio to see what is doing my app and it really loads all the data that is supposed to load but shows nothing. Only when I open my side menu shows the content for the Home Page. Also on the other pages shows nothing and when I only see the content displayed is when I press the back button.
What’s happening here???
A few months ago I had the same issue with a fresh app.
Any suggestion???
Have you debugged it with remote debugging? It probably shows you some errors. More about that over here:
Thanx for your reply!!
As I mention, I have used Android Studio to debug my app and everything seems to be working fine in the background. Everything loads as it should be and no error is shown. The rarest part is that when I press the recent button on my phone is then showed the content. I don’t know what is happening. The app works perfectly when running “ionic serve -l” but neither on my device or the emulator…
I used Chrome Remote Debugging and the console shows no error, just the same logs as when using ionic serve… I don’t know what to do with this