I did $ ionic start MyApp sidemenu --v2
and I get a new file structure, completely different from yesterday. When I tried to add ios or android it would not let me. The pages folder is missing, the app folder is missing. The project is not in typescript and when I tried to clone the typescript repo for the ionic 2 sidemenu starter app, it would not run. It gave me dependency errors for @angular. Anyone know what is going on?
Could you share your npm, node and ionic cli version?
$ npm -v
$ node -v
$ ionic -v
My cli version is
$ ionic -v
I’m guessing something got messed up with your installation some how.
npm is 3.9.5
node is 4.4.0
ionic is 1.7.15
I have been building and using ionic 2, but then the non-native options for the Toast component would not work so I tried to redownload a newer version of an ionic starter project and then it gave me an error saying i needed to run a cordova install. I ran the install and then everything went to pot.
I got it working again. Somehow my computer switch back to an older version of ionic. However, when i download projects they are not automatically in typescript. I have still pass --ts