Is AR possible in IONIC 3

Hello Folks ,
I want to create Image Target AR in Ionic 3 framework which is Angular 4 based , is AR possible in angular 4 , more importantly I want to create it offline , I have found AR.js library which is pure javascript and able to track image , How can i implement this library to ionic 3 , link below

I have a tutorial that implements AR.js in an Ionic/Angular app here:

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@joshmorony Thank you for you great impact, but this specific answer leaded me to a big misunderstanding.

AR.js is nearly impossible to build for Android apk and completely impossible to build into iOS app. No use for applications that are meant to be built. I wish i’m wrong…

Yup, I can’t make on actual device, but when I run it on the web it works.

Has anybody succeeded to have the AR.js running for ios platform?