IOS : keyboard above the input in footer?

Like i said in the title, when i use the input in the footer, the keyboard is showing above the footer so i can’t use it …

The problem is since I made the update of the plugin:

cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard BY ionic-plugin-keyboard

Before the update i was using in the app component: keyboard.dissableScroll(false)
(this is deprecated now)

And in the app.module I use this that I always use but I do not know what it’s used for … :
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, { scrollAssist: false, autoFocusAssist: false })

Someone have an idea of ​​how to solve this problem …?

Thank you

UPDATE : I found that the keyboard is working fine when orientation of device is disable (in parameter of the device) but, my app have orientation lock in vertical so i don’t understand why the keyboard is above the input when the orientation of device is enabled ?