I have a problem with my keyboard on IOS. (On android it works correctly)
Indeed, I have a page with a footer and an input (a page of chat) and when I have the focus on the input, the keyboard goes over the input …
<form [formGroup]="messageForm" class="aligner" (submit)="sendMessage(message)" novalidate>
<ion-input class="textareastyle" autocorrect="on" autocomplete="on" type="text" [(ngModel)]="message.corps" formControlName="message" placeholder="message..." maxlength="300"></ion-input>
<ion-buttons end class="marginauto">
<button class="boutonovveride" type="submit" [disabled]="!messageForm.valid" ion-button icon-only>
<img class="iconeenvoyer" src="image/send.svg">
However, I have found where the problem comes from but do not know how to fix it …
When the rotation of the laptop is activated as soon as you move the mobile phone the keyboard goes over while when the rotation of the laptop is off it works properly.
So I tried several solutions including removing the preference
thinking that this would come from that since the problem only occurs when you have the rotation activated on the laptop …
But none works, I still have the same problem that is very annoying and quite urgent …
Any ideas ? Thank you