form accessory bar next/prev arrows don’t work on inputs nested inside ion elements. Seems to be same as this issue posted here:
I searched and found this on webkits bug forum
but Im still facing the same issue. I tested using inputs outside ion elements and the arrows work fine but once wrapped inside ion elements they are greyed out.
ionic info:
Ionic CLI : 6.12.3 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli)
Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 5.5.2
@angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.1100.5
@angular-devkit/schematics : 11.0.5
@angular/cli : 11.0.5
@ionic/angular-toolkit : 3.0.0
Cordova CLI : 10.0.0
Cordova Platforms : ios 6.1.1
Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.2.0, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 5.0.0, (and 11 other plugins)
cordova-res : 0.15.2
native-run : not installed
ios-deploy : 1.11.3
ios-sim : 8.0.2
NodeJS : v12.4.0 (/usr/local/Cellar/node/12.4.0/bin/node)
npm : 6.14.10
OS : macOS Big Sur
Xcode : Xcode 12.3 Build version 12C33
I verified all nom packages are up to date as well.