I updated my app from beta11 to rc0 and, among other issues, I have load errors in all my html pages, like the one in the post title.
After some time (more than I expected ) trying to find out the cause, I figured out that this was happening because I use constants in the
fields of my component classes. Something like (not exactly like in my code, but reproduce the same issue):
const MY_INFO = {
SELECTOR: 'my-home-page',
TEMPLATE_URL: 'home.page.html'
export class HomePage {}
After I changed it to:
selector: 'my-home-page',
templateUrl: 'home.page.html'
export class HomePage {}
it worked.
This is probably related with AoT Compilation. I think the compilation ignores the constant values for the annotation metadata or something like that.
Is there a simple way to make it work? For now, I’ve changed all my components to use the explicit name and selector strings.
Thanks in advance.