hello ionic team, I have a problem with home.scss file. I am new to Ionic, and when I try to use home.scss in home.ts like this styleUrls: [‘./home.scss’] it shows me Unhandled Promise rejection: Failed to load my-css.component.scss . please help me. Thanks .
make sure, the all files on page directory have the same name. Ionic should recognize the source of style automatically.
If names are the same directive @Component look like:
selector: 'page-foo',
templateUrl: 'foo.html',
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Hi @gropadev ,all files have same name like this
selector: ‘page-home’,
templateUrl: ‘home.html’,
Try remove “styleUrls:[‘home.scss’]” from @Componet directive. If no error, code in home.scss file should look like this:
page-home {
// your styles
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@gropadev, if I remove styleUrls, and write styles in home.scss , will it work!!!