Ionic splash screen

Hi all,

I tried to add a splash screen on my android app but, after I tried a lot of tutorials, I cannot do it.
I update my ionic and my cordova, I just have the resource folder in the root of the app, into that there are the splash and icon folders, into theese I put the files…

In the config.xml (only the file that is in the root) I just do it:

<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" />
<preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false" />

but its didn’t work.

Can you help me?
I’ve the latest version of ionic and cordova.
Else for the icon I have no problems for example for icon I put the icons in the root/platforms/android/res
into res I found different folders:


and other… into theese folders there is as file named: icon.png and that icon is shown correctly, why the splash image no?

Hello, your first question, when you install and ran its ionic app, jumping one splash? The default comes in cordova?

If so, please consider replacing resource in your app’s image and ready?

I leave here the plugin used to what you want.

no, in the default the splash doesn’t work

however plugin that you suggest me doesn’t work…
I cannot find the problem

Are you sure you applied while the plugin? Refers to cordova.js and cordova_plugin js? I verify that the plugin folder you have? Rarely does not work and neither the default. I recommend taking GapDebug to check how your application behaves in a device.

it’s work now, I follow a tutorial that explain the plugin, thanks

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