Ionic Pro: Ionic View doesn't update after commit

Hi guys,

I’m new to ionic anda i’m having a hard time to use the ionic view app.

After a lot of research i was abole to link my app to the dashboard, however, when a try to use the app trought ionic view i always see the “the world is your oyster” (hello world) screen.

I’ve created the app from de CLI using ionic start myApp blank, then a I make the comit and everything, aparently was ok.

Then I check the app at ionic view (pro) and it was working (a blank app).

When a wrote my my real app and made the commit nothing was updated on ionic view.

in attemp to solve this i’ve tried the following steps:

Create a new app, using tabs, for intance, but i got the same “the world is your oyster” blank page.
I’ve tried setting “app_id”=""
I’ve also remove the www folder and run ionic serve before comitting

I also created several diferents apps from another accounts and a always end up with the blank page.

I took a look at the build folder, inside www, and my css and templates are there.

As i said i’m really new in ionic world and i’vo got stucked really bad.

I’ve tested on a iphone 5s (ios 10.3) and iphone 6s (ios 10.3.2)

My ionic info :
$ ionic info

cli packages: (C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules)

@ionic/cli-utils  : 1.9.2
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.9.2

local packages:

@ionic/app-scripts : 2.1.4
Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.6.1


Node : v6.11.2
npm  : 3.10.10
OS   : Windows 10

Thanks for your help

What exactly did you do?
Did you build your app before committing with ionic build for example?

Ionic Pro is a hosted and closed source service, so there is not much we, the community, can help you with. There is a FAQ and common/known issues at but I don’t think yours is one of them. You can and should contact support at Support

At the end i was tring just adding new blanks apps whith different initials templates.

i’ve tried creating evrey option suggested by **$ ionic start App --pro-id my_id** (except AWS mobile):
? What starter would you like to use: (Use arrow keys)

tabs … ionic-angular A starting project with a simple tabbed interface
blank … ionic-angular A blank starter project sidemenu … ionic-angular A starting project with a side menu with navigation in the content area
super … ionic-angular A starting project complete with pre-built pages, providers and best practices for Ionic development.
conference … ionic-angular A project that demonstrates a realworld application
tutorial … ionic-angular A tutorial based project that goes along with the Ionic documentation
aws … ionic-angular AWS Mobile Hub Starter

After every new app i try to commit right away, after running ionic serve and after making a build.

I’ve also try each of these steps alone and combinated but in th end, i always get the oyster blank page. Even when i created a blank page with tabs, or menu.

i’ve took a look at the FAQ but i got nothing.

I appreciate your help and i’ll follow your tip and try to get some help from support

But your new apps show up in Ionic View and the dashboard?

Yes, they are all on my dashboard and i was abble to share then with ionic view, trough the dashboard.

Howerver the “last update” date is the same of the initial commit.

I’ve try removing (renaming actually) the www folder to force the cli to create a new one on commit. When i do that, a new www folder is created. The cli tell me that evereything is up to date (i’m using git bash), but in the dashboard the last update is the same of the creation date.

I’ve checked the content of this new folder and at build/main.js i can see the blank tabs code is there.

i’m using this blank tabs/menu examples to remove my code from de equation.

So you created a project that is connected with the Ionic Pro dashboard. You then edited a file, committed it and pushed that commit to the ionic remote. What is the output of that push?

The ‘update date’ seems bugged, even when the app itself DOES update. Are you using ‘git push ionic master’ on the command line to update?

this is the result:
lzuch@DESKTOP-FSCKHB0 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projetos/MarinheiroVirtual/App (master)
$ git push ionic master

Everything up-to-date

And master is the correct name (i didin’t altered) of my branch

Edit a file, commit the file, then run git push ionic master and show us the output.

I’ve edited the home.html. Just added a bunch of ‘XXXXXXXXXXX’ and ran push ionic master

the result was the same:
lzuch@DESKTOP-FSCKHB0 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projetos/MarinheiroVirtual/myApp (master)
$ git push ionic master
Everything up-to-date

At the main.js i can see the ‘XXXXX’

HomePage = __decorate([
    Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__angular_core__["n" /* Component */])({
        selector: 'page-home',template:
        '<ion-header>\n  <ion-navbar>\n    <ion-title>Home</ion-title>\n
          </ion-navbar>\n</ion-header>\n\n<ion-content padding>\n  <h2>Welcome to Ionic!</h2>\n  <p>\n

the line breaks were made just to make easier to post here.

Nothing has changed on my ionic view

------- update ----
The app that a create yesterday just has been updated. It might been just a monstruos delay

Did you commit the changes before running git push ionic master? If not, you’re just pushing what already exists

Yep, please show us all command line commands and output after editing the file.

I was using commit -a
then i put same messagem on vim and that’s it.

sorry i’m using git commit -a

Does the dashboard list the commit message you used?

First off all i wanna apologize to you guys,

I’ve set up a new enviroment in another pc and made a test from there.

Everything works fine.

So, obviously the problem is my system. I’m gonna look into that to solve this once for all.

I’m really sorry to bothering you, specially on a sunday.

Thank you all again.


Good to hear, Don’t worry about it, no bother, i’m the one that logged in on Sunday!