Ionic Infinite Slideshow Carousel - Horizontal Scrolling with Set Pagination using Collection-Repeat

We’ll be using Ionic to support scrolling through 3,000+ records horizontally, with the ability to toggle to a vertical scrolling list.

Currently working on reproducing the following AngularJS slider demo:

You can pitch in here:

We’ve combined the following Horizontal Scroll:

We added the following Collection-Repeat:

We’re looking for:

  1. Example of adding “back” and “next” arrows to a horizontal scroll. - DONE
  2. Example of scrolling through to the other side when end is reached. - DONE
  3. Example of advancing in sets of X, where X is selected from a dropdown ranging from 1 to 5. Adjust slides width to fit entire set on screen.
  4. Example of a field to enter which set to advance to when hitting GO.
  5. Example of auto-play with a pause and play button. Advance in sets when the set dropdown is greater than 1.
  6. Example of advancing to a letter in the alphabet selected from a list of letters on the right side of screen, similar to a Contacts List.
  7. Example of flipping the scroll direction from horizontal (x) to vertical (y) on-the-fly.

We’ve combined Horizontal Scrolling with Collection-Repeat:

Looping from end to end has been masterfully added by Indermohan Singh.

Our latest work includes end-to-end swipe:

Currently looking for how to snap to the edge of slide at end of a swipe.