More than 200 photos slide so horizontal scroll with collection-repeat?

i tried first to make this 200 photos i get from api with slide-box and ng-repeat each slide, but really slow, seems they take too much memory and stuff. So i found here that better to use collection-repeat, then i tried putting that inside the slide-box but then was this problem that i had to get rid of the scroll for it supposly to work, but then i needed overflow-scroll for it to work not sure why.

so at the end i stopped fighting a collection-repeat inside an slide-box and decided to better use only collection repeat like this:

> <div id="horizontal">
>      <ion-scroll direction="x" delegate-handle="isde" class="item wide-item" ng-style="{'height': '1024px'}">
>           <div class="item" collection-repeat="producto in productos" collection-item-width="'100%'" collection-item-height="'100%'"

>      <img ng-src="{{producto['image_url']}}"/>
>          </div>
>   </ion-scroll>
> </div>

it shows but its difficult to drag to the next one, in order to work i have to put both fingers. any workarounds?

i found this helpfull:

i am using according to bower.json driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-beta.9.

thanks in advance any help.

Take a look at this example

Another option would be to wait until we finish refactoring slide-box to use collection repeat :smile:


Any news on this?
The provided example does not work. Any update on this issue?

So slide-box has been refactored and is in the nightly builds now. Give it a test :smile:

Thanks …that’s what i needed

Hi @mhartington I just want to implement horizontal scroll like this

in the above pen we can scroll one item at a time but I want scroll half of the item should be visible