Hello Ionic community! I’m Jeremy and I wanted to introduce myself and let you know about the Ionic in Action book I’m writing for you to get up and running building amazing mobile apps. I’m excited about the book so far and interested in getting your input and feedback. You can get the first chapter for free just to see what its like, though the first chapter is primarily intended to make sure you know what Ionic and the other related tools are capable of doing for you. You can also follow along with my Ionic in Action blog to see updates and I’ll also be posting tips and tutorials.
I have written nearly half of the book so far, and the book is available as an early access version where you can read along as new chapters are written. The best part, if you have any ideas, suggestions, problems, you can reach out to me on the author forums and I’ll be there to follow up with you. I’m very eager to get input and feedback on what you need to know to be effective Ionic developers. If you get the early access book, please jump on the author forums for Manning and let me know how it is.
The table of contents is below, and it has 3 primary sections. The titles may change over time, but it gives you a sense of each chapter’s content. The goal is to make sure you have all of the tools you need to build a hybrid mobile app from start to app stores.
Thanks to the Ionic team for their help and assistance with the writing. They are an extraordinary team and great people. I can’t wait to see what all of you can create with Ionic!
1 Ionic and Hybrid Apps
2 Build Your First App
3 What you need to know about AngularJS
4 Manage user navigation with AngularJS and ui-router
5 Using Ionic’s UI Components
6 Managing the UI with AngularJS and Ionic Services
7 Advanced techniques
8 Using Cordova Plugins for deeper integration
9 Testing apps
10 Advanced Build and Deploy
Hey Jeremy,
Do you need any technical reviewers? I have reviewed for Manning in the past and would be interested in reviewing your book. Look forward to the release.
We’ve got technical reviewers already lined up, and I don’t have any control over how that is handled. Perhaps you can reach out to the people you’ve worked with in the past and get on the list for future reviews? As you probably know, there is a specific process that everything goes through. You can also use this form to submit your name as a technical reviewer. http://manning.com/about/reviewer.html
The Ionic team is also supporting by providing technical review and input.
Great question, it is current to the beta 13 version right now, but will be updated with any details for 1.0. I’ve talked with the Ionic team a few times, and version 1.0 will represent a stable API that will not introduce breaking changes, and this is what the book will reflect.
The book’s goal is not to replace the documentation where you will always be able to look up every detail, but intended to provide training how to use Ionic from installing it through to publishing to an app store.
The code is available for the current Chapters 4-5 on the book page under Resources. I’m working to get all of the code onto GitHub for the future versions of the book. All code will be there, eventually!
This ia a great book. I saw it on Kindle for about $2 so grabbed it. It is clearly still in ‘beta’ stage as there are placeholders and incomplete examples, but overall I thought it was really well written and gave me the confidence to jump into Ionic development and start my own ‘30 day project’…
The book is over half done, and the MEAP edition (the early release) was updated recently. I hope you’ve had a chance to take a look and I’d be happy to get any feedback!
Hello, Ionic 2 is still a bit far off, but I have been taking a closer look at it with the Ionic team. However, Angular 2 is also still a ways away, so there is a lot in flux and very little concrete to start updating the book. I intend to update it when the dust settles and everything is closer to stable.
Just bought the ebook after reading the first free chapter.
Since you mentioned in one of the replies above that the book is current till bet13,I just wanted to confirm that the code sample will work seamlessly with Ionic 1.0.0 “uranium-unicorn” (2015-05-12) release, as the 1.0.0 is more of a stable API release and no major changes(framework related or api syntax related etc) have been made since beta 13.
I may be asking a silly thing again but pardon my naiveness as i am new to Ionic
The book is now working with v1, not the betas. The 1.x branch may continue to get some updates and features as necessary, but everything in the book should remain stable and available to use.