Ionic DevApp Feedback Mega-thread

Are you using an external API of an API of your own?
If it’s your own API you can simply add these headers in your PHP code of the API to solve this:

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Origin,Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers");

Fantastic work from you guys!
My iOS and Android device are connected to the same wifi and on my windows machine (with disabled firewall) is running ionic serve but I dont get any response or action on my device. both are listening…
some ideas?

Congratulation on releasing this feature! Seems amazing, i’m trying to make it work RIGHT NOW!

Can someone tell me, if i can run my aplications on iOS serving ionic via PC(using ionic DevApp)?

Having trouble getting the DevApp and ionic Serve to communicate. Both are on the same WiFi network. I am on a corporate network which may have some settings that I will need to get adjusted.

How are you doing the network discovery so I can work with corporate to get the policy changed?


Hey, I really like this app. The only problem for me is that it is not running platform.ready().then((val) => {

Also for some reason my ionic storage seems to cause a problem with it. I am going to try the native storage plugin to see if that helps. But the code I have currently using ionic storage has been working good during serve and live on real devices.

thanks a lot team!!!
its very appreciative that you build this awesome DevApp…

though i have feedback:
i have installed DevApp, but content of our split-pane app is not visible, its show only blank screen…

Hey there! Great concept, very excited to try it out. Unfortunately, our apps are not being discovered either on our network, however, I can type the external url into Chrome and access the app.

A suggestion might be to have a manual add mode where you could input the url to search for to ensure the proper connection.


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I got a blank white screen when loading my app in devapp… any suggestions?

For console.log, try using ionic serve -c.


Not working here.
Both are on the same Wifi, no custom configs.
When I run ionic serve, nothing happens in DevApp.

I you’re getting Error: send EHOSTDOWN error, see

What if am using a desktop to develop ? only my phone is connected to wifi and pc is connected via cable? So will this work? Apparently the Devapp is not detecting any app.? Hope to get a reply ??

But anyway hats off to the Ionic Team, really amazing concept !!! :heart_eyes:

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I tried it using android and ios (running with serve -c):
iOS does work, although it shows some errors about missing native plugins, but thats ok.

Android only shows white screen when starting the app.

Console output (reported back by -c parameter to host) stops after

[18:45:36]  console.log: Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production 
[18:45:36]  console.log: deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds. 
[18:45:36]  console.log: Channel not fired: onFileSystemPathsReady 
[18:45:39]  console.warn: Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within 5000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an 
            inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them. 

Any ideas?

@emiljenson Yes this works for me. PC on cable and smartphones on WiFi, just make sure they are allowed to connect to each other in the router configuration.


I have an issue when previewing my app through Ionic DevApp. I can get my application to show up on the list after running ‘ionic serve’ and reloading the DevApp. However, when trying to view my application I receive a ‘Webpage not available’ notice with net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE code. Based on the documentation, there should not be any further setup than installing the app and running ‘ionic serve’. I have opened ports on my firewall that has worked yesterday, but is not working today.

I dont know if its detecting or not. because while the devapp is listening for apps at a point the whole app gets stuck and crashes. (am using android)

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This is sweet! Thanks for pushing this out!

Is there any way we could get an option to manually specify an IP to connect to for searching for a running ionic server? Our phones typically connect on a slightly different subnet than our dev machines, so the automatic search can’t find them.


First of all the concept looks great. Kudos to the work you people are doing.
I tried testing this both iOS and Android but unfortunately none seems to be working.

In iOS after logging I am able to detect my app when clicked, it’s show a loading screen and after that it displays white screen for eternity.
In Android, after launch I get an error with “Application error timedout” and Webpage not available in the background.

Let me know if anyone finds any clue about this error.


I tried the app on IOS. I cannot connect to the backend from the app running in DevApp. My app already works fine running WKWebView in a normal iOS install

CORS setup of course

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After starting DevApp on IPAD ios the initial screen pops up for a second and then the apps goes to background and doesn’t load any more.
What’s that?

I haven’t tried the DevApp yet, but I am getting non-stop errors after running ionic serve -l

[ERROR] Error in DevApp service: Error: send EHOSTUNREACH ((ip address))
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1045:20)
at SendWrap.afterSend [as oncomplete] (dgram.js:407:11)

Is there a flag to prevent the DevApp service from starting?

Follow Up: errors are only generated when running ionic serve with the -l flag. Is this deprecated?