Ionic DevApp Feedback Mega-thread

Hi all,

This is a placeholder thread for the upcoming release of the Ionic DevApp, a rapid local device testing app that makes it easy to test on iOS and Android without installing any Native SDKs or even Cordova.

Once the app is released, we will aggregate feedback and issues in this thread as we work through the first release.

Stay tuned.


REALLY AWESOME! It really seems to be a good way to enhance and ease our dev experience. Thank you so much!

I have a quick feedback:

  • On android, the footer section goes up when the keyboard goes up, therefore it gets in the way of the login button:

  • I got it to detect my app the first time, but after that it didn’t work anymore. I tried closing the app, signing out and in, reserving the app on my pc, and it still didn’t detect the app. After restarting my phone I got it to work. Perhaps there should be a bit more visual feedback?

  • The inputs and scrolling didn’t feel very good. It was buggy, but when running with ionic cordova run android I didn’t get any of that.

  • I only tried one plugin so far: Facebook. It didn’t work.
    It would be nice to have a list of supported cordova plugins :smiley:

Thanks a lot Ionic team, for keeping developing awesome stuff to make our lives better <3
Count me in for continuous feedback :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear from a real solution to debug, good luck team !

Awesome feedback, thanks! The detection issue should be resolved in the next release. We’ll look into the other input issues and such…

How to get it ? I want to try to

It’s out on Android right now but it’s a slightly older release:

We will be doing a new Android release shortly and iOS soon after

Cant wait for iOS

Save me and yourself cpu cycles/bandwidth in native testing!


Just started using this today and loving it. Is there any way to view the console for the app running in the DevApp?

I also seem to have a problem with cordova-plugin-app-version in the DevApp. It is returning a version of 0.0.1 despite my config having the version set to 0.0.2. When run directly on my device it returns the correct version, just not in DevApp.

I would agree with @yannbf that a list of supported cordova plugins would be great.

Hi, : Not found, while it is the top result on google search

List of plugins would be appreciated indeed. Please a bit more compared to Ionic View (like native HTTP).

Can we view console.logs using adb and chrome dev-tools (Android). This is not possible on Ionic View.

Any specific order for running? First dev server then app? or other way around. It didn’t find my running server initially. I thought, I needed to fiddle with my PC firewall. Then it worked, but not sure what the recommended firewall/desktop settings are. What is de discovery protocol?

Good stuff though!


That plugin of course returns the version of the native app it is running in - the DevApp. Seems the DevApp is 0.0.1 currently, so that is what the plugin returns.

That’s what I thought was probably going on. The same app though returns the appropriate version when running in the legacy Ionic View app as well as the new Ionic View app. Hope this is something that can be fixed in the DevApp.

My app does a version check upon startup to make sure it isn’t running a deprecated version. When running in the DevApp getting a version of 0.0.1 results in the app locking the user out. Therefore I can’t use it for development testing.

Hi There,

First off, this app will save me so much time

  • fixing a small bug
  • pushing to ionic
  • build
  • download to device
  • install
  • check if it did what I wan’t
  • repeat

So Thanks for the amazing work.

Now to my problem, I am having a CORS problem. since the data is originating from the dev-app and not from my app.

On the Desktop I use the chrome command-line flag: --disable-web-security, and in the app apparently it is not a problem, but in your app, it doesn’t seem to work.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Rabbi Shuki

We need also to know how we can debug the app running in DEV APP? There is no console output and there is no running DEV APP or Chrome in Remote Devices for Chrome Developer Tools? So which is the right solutions to debug app?

Catching up here. For plugins that rely on bundle config (such as version, etc.) you’re going to get DevApps version, we haven’t faked those plugins to return anything else. Just know that in advance.

No way to connect a debugger at this point, not sure if it’s possible on iOS, still figuring out Android. We would like to capture console logs and print this back, we’re not doing that at this time (on the list).

New Android and iOS versions coming today!


Just tried it (initial release, I don’t see an update yet).

Concept: Awesome
Network Detection: Worked great
Ionic Serve Detection: Detected my app fine and displayed it in a nice item
App preview: Did not work. Showed the loading screen, then a spinner that was styled like my app which never went away. Presumably something errored out, but without any console log I have no idea what. This version of the code is production though, so it compiles and runs fine on the browser, android, and ios, therefore something is not working specific to the app…

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I’m just trying out the Dev App now - love the concept! Detected and tried to run my app nicely. Unfortunately I’ve come across what I expect to be CORS issues straight away - related to where my data (pouchdb/couchdb) and files (web server) are located. What URL & port do I need to add to my CORS settings to make this work? Right now my app won’t run properly without these CORS settings in place.

Worked great even though my MacBook and Android phone are on two different access points (SSID’s).

Any chance of open sourcing DevApp? I’d love to use it on an existing project that uses some custom cordova plugins and then also see if there is a simple way to pipe console.log using some simple overloading.


on running command ionic serve i am able to see my app in the list that is running, but not able to open the app it shows blank screen ??