Ionic app to Desktop application

Hi, can someone please guide me to the right article or a tutorial that can help me to convert ionic mobile app to a desktop application.

I guess a broader question is what are you wanting to achieve?

Local install?

Windows / Mac?

Access to hardware features? (i.e. local storage / camera / files and folders)

If you don’t need access to hardware features it may be better to deploy as an app.

Otherwise, something like wrapping your application in Electron seems to be a good fit for you…

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What I have is an app that can run on both computer and mobile. I am using Linux, I want to generate a desktop version for at least one platform (windows or Linux).
I need access to hardware features too.

Let me follow the contents of the article you shared and see what is possible to achieve using electron.

Ionic’ Capacitor project is supporting Electron, so you might want to look at that tooling to assist your development. I have done several Electron projects with Ionic as the UI layer and have been impressed by it.

I did co-author a book on the basics of [Electron](http://Electron: From Beginner to Pro: Learn to Build Cross Platform Desktop Applications using Github’s Electron), so I may be biased.


Thanks, I got this link that helped to do the trick. Following the article I was able to run my app simultaneously on browser and as desktop application.
I made a copy of mobile app, now am trying to customize the same for desktop view.

I got this link that helped to do the trick. Following the article I was able to run my app simultaneously on browser and as desktop application.