Ionic 4 vs Quasar vs wait for Ionic 5?

Quasar framework is looking particularly performant right now compared to Ionic. Any thoughts from the team or community who have used it?

It’s much better set up for desktop+web styling out of the box, the components look and perform MUCH better than Ionic 4 ones as far as I can see and they’re much more richly featured from the get go.

Having had a very disappointing time migrating my dev from Ionic 3 to 4, I’m really struggling to see a reason to stay with this framework over Quasar and Flutter to be honest.

Given the issues with performance from v3 to v4, the (in my opinion) overcomplexity and difficulty in customisation that web components bring to the table, I am struggling also to see a reason to pick up v5 when it’s finally out either.

Would be interested to discuss with people who know more. Thanks.

Huh, any numbers for that statement:

I looked at quasar, on mobile it deploys to Cordova or capacitor. So the underlying tech is the exact same as Ionic: It renders your website in a webview container.

Performance should depend on the kind of website that you deploy.
Which means that it becomes a comparison between vue, react, etc.
This is independent of Ionic.

You mention :

Ionic does offer a set of web components that are styled to look native. They are compiled with Stencil and compliant with the html standard. Any difficulties here have nothing to do with Ionic, Html is just getting rather complex itself. And in any case, Quasar does the exact same thing : Offer a set of out-of-the-box components that you can use to design your app.

If you don’t want to rely on ion or quasar components, you can just come up with your own styles. The app is a website, you’re free to use any web technology that seems appropriate to you. Bootstrap for example is not compatible with the ion components, but if you just use ‘plain’ html, you can surely deploy it with Ionic.

If you care about maximum performance, you might want to look at stenciljs.

But the performance differences we are talking about here should be mostly a matter of marketing.
If you truly need performance that is not possible with Ionic, you need to think about native code, not another, mostly identical stack of web tech.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Nope, no numbers - completely take your point. It was just my observation having done some playing around with all their component demos.

The underlying tech, a webview is indeed the same, but I believe the performance hit is coming because of webcomponents, NOT because of the framework used to bind to the components, e.g Angular, Vue.

I.e. It’s Ionic’s new ‘fancy’ way of packaging up the components, causing the browsers to render shadow dom, which is then a pain in the ass to modify/impossible unless properties exposed, that causes the performance downgrade. This is my personal observation between Ionic 3 and 4, which I have production apps in both on iOS and Android.

Saying that, it does seem that vue is pretty fast too.

On max performance side - absoutely native agreed. However, that doesn’t addresss the issue of a developer with limited time and resource wanting to pump out an app on both platforms, hence why I also mentioned Flutter, as it has its own rendering engine and from the demos I’ve tried out - including kitchen sink apps - it seems extremely performant.