Ionic 4 App not intalled on Android .apk

Hi all, I’m building an App I want to start distributing to testers for checking it out and I’m doing this by generating a debug apk file for them to install. This has been integrated with my git repository + jenkins where in the automated pipeline a new stage has been defined for handling this.
Basically what happens is that I ran the following command:

ionic cordova build android

Once the app-debug.apk file has been generated, then I find this file within the project /plataform folder, I rename it based on the date and time for the build made and I copy it to a folder which we can access from an url that has the directory listing with all the .apk files we build after each commit.

I haven’t yet signed the app, because we are on an earlier stage and I we don’t find the need to do so at this point. The problem we are facing is that these generated files seems to be corrupted and cannot be installed.

Of course, we enable unknown sources on the android device as well as the developers mode. When we try downloading the apk files from chrome and installing them they fail to be installed. We manage to do this the first time by an USB cable from the locally generated debug apk file, but when doining it automatically via Jenkins and downloading those files it fails.

Did anyone had this problem? Thanks