Install app as separate application on android device


I have two different projects in Ionic2 TypeScript application, created separately:

with different names

$ionic start app1


$ionic start app2

in package.json it is "name": "app1", and for app2 "name": "app2".

app1 linked in ionic account to app1(XXXXXXXX). app2 not linked, selected as Nevermind in the end of creating of project.

it is same one app in config.xml for both apps on google account <widget id=""...> and uses same google-services.json only for google authentication, not sure if it is a reason, and to fix it, I have to create new app for app2 on google account, or remove all installs and connections with google

When Iā€™m installing app1 toAndroid device and then Installing app2 or vice-versa, current installation overwrites previous, correctly to say, updates previous app, instead installing of both

Advice would be helpful


Imho will use the wiged id to decide if it is the same app.

Best regards, anna-liebt

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@anna_liebt Thank you