I wold to understand if there is a way in the new version 7.02 to make the line below always visible also if the input has not an helperText ?
Because if i use the input without item the line is present only in ion-input where helperText is set. But i’ve not this helperText on all fields. If i use the styles became broken
<ion-input type="text" label="{{ 'label.name' | translate }}" labelPlacement="stacked"
name="name" [(ngModel)]="name" maxlength="50">
I’ve used fill=“solid” property but it changes also the style of input.
As workaround i’ve added css:
ion-input {
border-bottom: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
But i think that can be useful a property like the one present in ion-item (lines=‘full’) to show the line without css