Infamous white screen after start-up

Hey folks,

I have stumbled upon this issue a couple of times already in this forum and elsewhere. My app shows a blank white page after start up, right after the Cordova splash screen. This white screen does not go away, as it does in some other developers’ cases.

The problem appears when I try
$ ionic emulate ios (with iOS Simulator, iPhone 6, iOS 8.1. XCode 6.6.1)
It also appears in the Ionic View App I installed via the App Store on my iPhone.

$ ionic serve works without a problem both on Safari 8.0.1 on my desktop and my phone

Also, for some reason, $ ionic emulate ios -l opens the app without the blank screen as well. This is weird, as it’s not working without the live preview.

Please help me figure out what is different between the different emulation modes I’m trying here and help me figure out how to debug this.

The only console error I’m getting is

5     601833   error    $ionicLoading instance.hide() has been deprecated. Use $ionicLoading.hide().

which is a whole other issue and appears regardless wether the screen stays blank. I will gladly provide more code and/or logs, if you give me a hint on where to look for them :wink:

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struggling with this too, except the iOS simulator works for me, but Ionic View doesn’t.

Same issue! Been banging my head against the wall on this for days, I can’t test with any plugins really. What a bummer.

It is looking like a plugin is stalling when starting up on the device. Likely the plugin is not being started on the web browser so you are not seeing the effect there. I have had this happen on a few apps.

Best solution that worked for me:

  1. Start up your iOS emulator WITHOUT running your app.

  2. Go to the ‘Settings’ icon on the iPhone emulator, down to ‘Safari’, then ‘Advanced’, then turn on Web Inspector.

  3. Start your app on the emulator.

  4. Fire up Safari on your Mac.

  5. Go to ‘Develop’ then ‘iOS Simulator’ and you should see your app on the menu. Select it.

  6. In the console window that opens up, click on the bottom where you can enter a javascript command and type in:


and press [Enter]. This will force your app to reload and you will see all the javascript errors in the console window on startup. I have seen messages on here that have never come up in the plain web browser version or on XCode that has helped me to debug startup processes.

Good Luck.

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Thanks for this tip - window.location.reload() just saved me from hours of debugging… Couldn’t get hold of the errors which fired before I could check out the console