How to upgrade AngularJS to the latest version in ionic app?

i have to upgrade angularJs 1.5.3 version to higher version.
should change the version existed in src/www/lib directory ?
how can i do that ?

Hi Ashok,

Running angularjs 1.5.3 is really old. Your might want to consider upgrading to angular 2+ versions however that could be a big adjustment.

Upgrading to 1.5.11 should be possible by updating it through npm or bower, whichever is applicable to your use case.

npm install angular@1.5.11

However you also might need to update some dependancies

i don’t think
npm install angular@1.5.11
will resolve my problem because i don’t have any angular version installed in my project.
i think i should update angular version in this section!
Sans titre

You are looking at your www/ folder. If im not mistaken this folder is completely generated.

You should look in the root of your project if it contain a package.json or bower.json file. There you can update the version number of the angular library, run an install command and that will update the lib folder in your www/ folder.

Never work in your www/ folder since it will be overwritten on every build.

here’s my package.json


  "name": "app_name",

  "author": "App Platform",

  "homepage": "http://app****.com/",

  "private": true,

  "scripts": {

    "clean": "ionic-app-scripts clean",

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bower.json exists only in www/ folder and there’s no angular module mentioned in my package.json
when i make a global search, i only can find angular 1.5.3 version in www/ folder!

i have tried to execute this command npm install angular@1.5.11 then rebuild the app, but it doesn’t overwrite any thing in www/ folder!

That is a very interesting package.json I must say.

You are running multiple versions of ionic which I would say would be impossible to get running stable.

You have installed:
ionic 5.4.16
ionic-angular 3.9.5
@ionic/angular 4.11.2
@angular/core 6.1.10

The packages prefixed by the ‘@’ sign are newer and I would suggest you remove the other ones.

However, I would highly suggest you start a new ionic project from cli and start moving features/pages to that one-by-one. Your project contains so many packages of old angular/ionic versions that I won’t be able to see what’s supposed to be there and what’s not. It might be some work but trust me you’ll be thankful when maintaining this in the future.

ok i will make try.
thanks any way