How do i update angular version from 1.2.x to 1.3.x in ionic

Is there a way to update the version of angular from 1.2.x to 1.3.x within an exisiting ionic project. I have been fiddling around and just thought i should ask for the right way to do it. I got it to work but my navigations seem to be broken and some things just do not work,

Not really suggested right now. We haven’t tested ionic with 1.3 and thing could break in the process.

any timeline available, angular 1.3 introduced the one time binding which is really helpful performance wise, @see

I’d also love this, but it sounds like the focus is on stabilizing current features (per: Does anyone have a 1.3 branch started that they are working on?

I have my own fork with an Angular 1.3 branch. If you want to look at it then feel free but please don’t publish issues related to my fork to Ionic’s issue tracker. The team have made is clear that they are busy working on an eventual ionic 1.0 release and have said they aren’t going to 1.3 until at least 1.1.

I had three end-to-end tests time out when run on my machine (not at saucelabs). I haven’t had a chance to investigate them yet to see if they are actual failures or just weird protractor timeouts.


  1) $ionicActionSheet-takeAction should open up actionsheet again
     timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for spec to complete

  2) $ionicActionSheet-takeAction should click the share button
     timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for spec to complete

  3) ionHeaderBar-simple should hide subheader
     timeout: timed out after 120000 msec waiting for spec to complete

Finished in 849.288 seconds
142 tests, 3 assertions, 3 failures

Of course these have also not been run through Ionic’s own snapshot approval testing tool that checks for visual deviations so YMMV. I’ve purposely broken semver so you’ll have to point to the wip-angular-1.3 branch and specifically the bower version would need to be set to ‘13ty-trillion’.

Please don’t use this in production as it is obviously not tested. This is experimental and I won’t be maintaining feature parity with beta ionic releases. Currently it is at the same level as Ionic 1.0.0-beta12 but has angular 1.3 instead of 1.2.

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This is great news! Yeah, we wont be using 1.3 until after the 1.0, but bind once will be a great addition. Stay tuned.

The above is incorrect. Turned out we needed it for some other updates we want to include, so we will be updating to 1.3 in beta 14

To future readers, it appears this has changed since the previous post and Ionic 1.0.0 beta 14 will now have Angular 1.3 included:

Is there a way to manually update versions of AngularJS within my Ionic project?

I just started using Ionic and my app is not working correctly - throwing ‘Attempted to assign to readonly property’ on certain touch events. The error seems to be coming from ‘ionic.bundle.js’. After hours of Googling and troubleshooting - I’m still somewhat mystified. I’d like to update AngularJS to 1.3.15 as a hail mary.

If anyone has any thoughts on this please let me know.

@adamhenson I’ve done this before but it was a while ago and I deleted my branch since Ionic went to 1.3. If I recall, you’ll need to fork the ionic repository on Github. You can then clone the repo, use scripts/ to pump the angular version, then you can try to build a release using some of their scripts/. It really wasn’t hard, but I’ve literally done it once so the exact steps I took escape me. Remember that ui-router is also included in ionic so you could bump that too if you need.

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Thanks @jimthedev. I agree - this would be a good route. I got as far as forking, and updating the Angular version with… however I’m stuck on the step of building locally. I’m looking through the scripts and I can’t seem to find one that builds. I do see a publish script. Regardless, I’m probably going to abort this mission. I’m going to get back on the debugging to pinpoint my issue.