Hi to all
I have a problem with the deploy of a ionic app, the project info are the following:
$ ionic info
Ionic CLI : 5.4.2
Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 4.11.1
@angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.801.3
@angular-devkit/schematics : 8.1.3
@angular/cli : 8.1.3
@ionic/angular-toolkit : 2.0.0Cordova:
Cordova CLI : not installed
Cordova Platforms : android 8.1.0
Cordova Plugins : not availableUtility:
cordova-res : 0.15.1
native-run : 0.2.9System:
Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
NodeJS : v10.16.3
npm : 6.9.0
OS : Windows 10
The problem is that the app work completely only with Android version equal or above 6, even if the
minSDKversion is 19 (Android 4.4). In particular on Android 4.4 georeferencing does not work, even if the app installing and run
How do I know on which version of android I should not allow installation? And more important how do i limit app installation to certain android versions only? is it enough to change the minsdkversion in the project’s config.xml file?