Gallery slider

How do I archive gallery slider like this (its responsive and slides all visible images and display next set of images)
Ionic box slide will slide whole page and it doesn’t have option to put in multiple images horizontally

Thank You

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Easy, just include ksSwiper carousel into your project. It’s already adapted to Ionic so you don’t need to worry about a compatibility. It’s an Ionic directive that wraps plugin.

Tutorial can be found here: How to Create Elegant Slider Carousel in Ionic Framework

You want this demo: but just with more elements that are not separated. I think you will find that in provided tutorial.

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Thank Gajotres this is very close to what I am looking for only thing I can set on this is to slide multiple images
like if screen size is 600px then it should show 2 images (img1 and img2) of 300px each but when I swipe it slides only 1 image but I want it to slide to next 2 images (img3 and img4)
any idea how can i do that

Thank you

thanx I was able to figure out how to slide to specific images.
I am trying to make it responsive and api says make observer=true and observeParents=true but it is not working
any idea how to re initiate with new slides-per-view

Thank You

any idea how to a assign API’s to it there is no way I can assign lockSwipeToNext() or update(), destroy or any other api