I am suddenly getting ‘Forbidden upload (403)’ when running the ionic package command. I see that it successfully logs me in, but during the ‘Uploading app…’ phase it throws that error. Any ideas?
I’m getting the same thing! … any help here would be great!
I am getting this too
I am getting this as well.
I have tried using an account which I created via the IOS app, and an account created on the site.
Both get a 403 error when it attempts to upload the app.
Any ideas?
I hope this gets fixed soon. I’d like to upload my package.
I am getting this too. Any Ideas what could be wrong ?
(I had to create a throwaway account because I kept getting ‘Unknown error’ trying to log in to Discourse.)
Came here to post that there is some information and a possible fix over on GitHub; though still no word from Drifty: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-cli/issues/115
Really wish this would get more attention.
Well if u tell us the exactly steps u follow to get this error ( i mean full detailed ) may I and some of Ionic Team can help you.
From the command line: ionic upload
Im suffering this error too but while I try to do ionic upload
. The detailed description is simple: It used to work, now it doesn’t. I have the latest ionic cli version.
In which ionic cli version it used to work? ( Now you have latest ( 13 ) ? )
Isn’t the latest version 1.2.5
? Check the GitHub issue for in-depth details.
My install is CLI 1.2.5
yup, same problem here in version 1.2.5, i hope someone in Ionic Team can tell us more about it
I’m getting the same error
It was my first upload and baam… not working.
Hope they fix this soon.
I’m getting pretty far in my app development and this is starting to be a real blocker for me … I really hope this gets sorted out soon …
Getting same error:
$ ionic upload
Uploading app…
Forbidden upload (403) (CLI v1.2.5)
Any updates? Anyone working on this?
Drifty CEO and Co-Founder Max Lynch reports on the GitHub thread:
Stay tuned, this is a hidden thing we pulled for the short term and will be
relaunching soon!
This coming back with the Creator launch?