External link to Ionic PWA

I need to email links into a page of my app for invited people to register for certain purposes. This was done quite proficiently in Ionic1 + AngularJS by spelling out routes. For instance, I offer a discount and you click the link: https://mysite.com/offer/38842389349 and you are taken to my app’s offer page specifically for you.

How can I do something similar now?

If with “now” you mean with Ionic >= 2, have a look at my answer to a similar, I think, question

Thanks for the quick response, @reedrichards. I am using Ionic 3 and wish to make a progressive web app, which was recently blogged about. I need routes to my django API endpoints and for things like resetting passwords, emailing invitations to the app, etc. Is that going to be possible for an Ionic 3 PWA? With deeplinking or some other way?

Oh you are right my answer doesn’t apply at all!

But your question just become super interesting to me too because I’ve got no idea but I could think about doing something like that in the future. Hope someone could answer it!

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I was not very explicit with my original question. And truly, I should have been reading this forum more before I started this new project. However, I felt confident with the advertisement of Ionic 3 being well-suited for PWA. Also, I have had good experiences with Ionic 1. I would like to carry on with Ionic 3 if possible. But routing is a big deal. I could write my own, but it seems easier to 1) use whatever Ionic 3 may offer in this regard (and I will continue my search for possible solutions today and hope for more replies), or 2) strip away Ionic and use Angular 4 and its libraries for this project. I need the app to run on all device types, so PWA is ideal for me. Cheers!

Have you looked into IonicPage documentation (Setting URL Path section)?

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Not yet. I was not planning to use lazy loading (which is the only place where I have seen IonicPage used), but will look into this. Thanks, @QGangler!

If you don’t want to use lazy loading I suggest having a look at the conference app example (I think they are defining “routes” in the app.module.ts)

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Many thanks! It does indeed appear that routes are spelled out in the conference app with eager loaded components. I will give it a go and see how this works in my project. Certainly one of your answers will prove to be a workable solution. I am hoping the second one. Stay tuned… :grinning:

That conference example should help in general as I move forward in my project. It’s nice to have such a responsive community here in case I hit more snags.