Best way to implement url routing


I am using ionic to build a web app and I am trying to figure out how to have the url update as I change pages, and also be able to link directly to pages within the app. I have tried the deeplinks plugin but that seems more oriented for when it is installed natively on a device and I found that trying to upgrade to IonicPage()/Lazy Loading was too unstable in general. Are there any recommendations to accomplish what I need to accomplish?

Thanks in advance

Mine would be “wait until Ionic settles down on how it deals with URLs”.

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It’s now September. We shouldn’t have to wait for Ionic to settle down. Ionic should be pretty stable upon release, especially on such fundamental issues as routing. Ionic v1 had its issues, but this is a step backwards imo. I hope y’all will get it together and real soon.

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I’m just about as much a part of the Ionic team as you are and don’t have access to any inside information. If you ask me to read tea leaves, however, given the existence of stencil-router, I would be surprised if anything would change on this from existing status quo until v4 comes out.

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Thanks for the insight. I might just ditch and go with angular material for ui components for now.

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Hi @Andrew_Bull and all, I got help with this routing issue today:

External link to Ionic PWA

I am eager-loading components and the conference app example has proven very helpful. Just add the deeplinks to the app.module.ts and all seems to be well in my ionic world again. IonicPage has a lazy-loading solution. No plugins required.