Hello, I would like to build an application where there are three menu sections. One section is to be a gallery. And I would like to embed a website in it. So I’m still in the application’s application-menu header and a contant webpage shown. Can you do that and if so how?
Could you iframe in your web site?
If is your website, your need to configure the X-FRAME-OPTIONS
to allow your website to be in an iframe.
And simply you can do :
<iframe src="https://yourwebsite.com"></iframe>
And put some CSS width: 100%; height: 100%
this way ?
or put it to my website css
I believe you need to add the website url to your config.xml file…
Something like…
<allow-navigation href="http://www.website.com/*" />
Or with a fig to security:
<allow-navigation href="*" />
Also, in conflict to what Teazy suggests re CSS I would suggest using vh as that’ll deal with any screen size, so roughly…
<iframe src="https://www.wherever.com" style="height: 30vh; width: 100%;"></iframe>
This will use 30% of the viewport, no matter what size the screen.
Using Safari when your IOS simulator is running.
In the menu “Develop > Name of your Mac > index.html”
You can debug your IOS app (with an normal web inspector) and see the console, to know what is wrong.
Did you remote debug the problem on the device already? Follow these instructions here to debug the problem in Safari dev tools: https://ionic.zone/debug/remote-debug-your-app#ios Look at the console and network tabs for errors.
when i run it ( ionic serve -l ), it turns me on to a preview and immediately redirects to the iframe page
but when i use ionic cordova emulate ios i don’t saw iframe
What does that mean?
Did you allow navigating to the URL as @Judgewest2000 suggested?
when i run it ( ionic serve -l ), it turns me on to a preview and immediately redirects to the iframe page
method to Start local server
but when i use ionic cordova emulate ios i don’t saw iframe
yes, i add
I know ionic serve
What does this mean:
Does the site you are loading having some iframe breaking code? Can you add it to a simple html page with an iframe an open it in the browser or not?
when I adds the code to the normal website everything works fine
Can you share your repo with me or at the very least an example new project where it’s showing thus behaviour?
i can send you all , I’m only testing
By all means - go for it
The time I turn on the applications (ionic serve) turns on for a few seconds web with iframe working and then moves to this page from within the iframe.
but when I use (ionic cordova emulate ios) it does not work iframe
Righteo. It’s the link you’ve provided. It’s posting a message to its parent to redirect.
The best you can do with that site is to use the inappbrowser plugin.
wp.pl is only example
i want this site : http://www.tawerna-gdynia.pl/index.php/gallery-album