Deploying to IOS App Store tutorial?

Hi Everyone,

Really enjoying developing using Ionic.
There is a really good publishing article for Android App Store but can someone point to a good tutorial for IOS App Store publishing?

Thank you

Once you have your project built and inside of Xcode, follow Apple’s project guidelines here


i’ll try to make a short list as for me has been a real pain in the ass.

  • First, create a new account and pay 99$ at

  • login with your developer account (use safari, because cgrome has a bug when creating certificates) and create:

  • 1 certificate for development (this needs a Mac OS X computer)

  • 1 certificate for production (this needs a Mac OS X computer)

  • 1 app ID identifier (with a bundle ID wich will identify your app on xcode and other sites like facebook SDK

  • 1 provisioning profile for development

  • 1 provisioning profile for production

  • on xCode, you can set the “team” of your app in the target general. After that, you can specify on target build settings and project build settings the provisioning profiles for production.

  • Make sure you have the latest xcode version (5.1.1) because in the 5.1 there is a bug that not allows you to submit to the store throwing a stupid message on screen.

  • Go to and click on “manage your apps”. There you’ll find a ridiculous form asking you some things about your app.

  • now, with your iphone unplugged, archive your app making Product > clean, product > clean build folder, product > archive

  • if everything goes right, the archiver window should open. Select your “app” and validate it.

  • It will make a previous validation and if everything is nice, you can send ut to apple for revision. Then you must wait a week for apple to reject your app because you’ve violated the localstorage guidelines and enabled icloud data backup.


Well luckily you’re not bitter about it eh :wink:

Thank you all for responding.

I’ve already published an app to app store before and have all the basic info. Just never published a cordova built app.

Since Ionic is a hybrid, i would have a domain that’ll serve the app , granted it will not have cordova.js and perhaps some code will have to be split apart , although i didn’t want that.

In general , cordova build ios - generates a proper project or requires some other tinkering? Assuming i did add all the plugins i want to use.


First you must create the ios project (i assume you’ve already done that) with cordova platform add ios.

This will create a .xcodeproj inside the folder “platforms > ios”.

cordova build ios will copy the entire content of the www folder and plugins folder on your root project into their respective locations of “platforms > ios”.

The command does not affect to the .xcodeproj, so, you can cordova build ios, and then, open the project on xcode and submit the app normally.

cordova.js will be included automatically on your project and no code must be split apart if you dont want to.

When you run cordova build ios or ionic build ios (which also builds with cordova), it will generate an Xcode project inside of platforms/ios which you can open with Xcode and sign your app for publishing. From there, it should seem identical to publishing as you’ve done before. Just be sure to run the build task again before you rebuild, so that the latest changes get moved into the Xcode project.

That’s awesome

You guys are very helpful.

I’ve built my previous app using Titanium.

Do you guys think Xcode 6/IOS8beta will handle cordova builds proper?

I would expect Cordova will stay updated with the changes, though I would watch the Cordova project in the coming months to be sure.

by saying

It will make a previous validation and if everything is nice, you can send ut to apple for revision. Then you must wait a week for apple to reject your app because you’ve violated the localstorage guidelines and enabled icloud data backup.

Did you mean window.localStorage used in javascript?

There is a tutorial for deploying ionic projects to IOS now: