Deploy to host not work at all

Unfortunately, guidance documents are very different from reality. I did all the steps and it works well on my computer. But it does not work at all when transferring to the host. If you are going to guide, you have to consider all the steps and specializations. Not just for certain people
Now on my host only the white screen is displayed and there is no error on the console
i am using ionic serve with ionic vue with Capacitor in the tutorial and when i use ionic build and transfer dist to host and repair path in config files but just blank page shows up without any error in console.

Can you provide link to your host?

finally in desktop browser T shows up
but in chrome mobile browsers just shows blank page

Work well at latest android chrome.

Looks like I had the same trouble with mobile app building - looks like ionic use modern JS syntax and require to provide polyfills for not up-to-date browsers versions. Sorry I still not find any working solution, this is something about .browserslistrc file settings.