Button not showing on popup alert

I’m using ionicPopup alert to show a popup with a button (which show a text set in okText). The popup work on browser with ionic serve, but when I test it with an Android device (Acer Iconia A1, Android 4.4.2), the popup is shown without the okText button. I’ve also tested it with another device (Nexus 10, Android 7.1.1) and it works perfectly. Here is an example of the code:

function successGamePopup() {
var alertSuccessPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
  title: 'Good !',
  template: 'You've made it!',
  okText: 'Continue',
  cssClass: 'successPopup'
alertSuccessPopup.then(function (res) {
  // do something else here...

In my case, the button ‘Continue’ is not showing on my Acer Iconia A1.