I’m using a very basic ionicPopup to show alert message with only ‘ok’ button, and notice that the button is not align properly. This is the code:
var showAlert = function(msg, title) {
var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
template: 'hello world',
okText: 'ok'
alertPopup.then(function(res) {
and this is how it looks like:
looks strange and i dont have this kind of problem.
do you have a codepen so we can find the problem?
no… but as far as I can tell the code I posted is the only relevant one…
sorry, I can’t reply properly. I noticed that I have the following css in my index.html:
<link href="css/bootstrap/3.1.1/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
once I commented the popup looks ok. Not sure why I added it originally and if it’s really needed.
another update: I added this css for angularjs typeahead component, apparently it’s not fully compatible with Ionic.
sorry was not accurate i mean css 
its possible that 3th party css do not work well with ionic
as far im trying just to use ionic css + my customisation
yes. I’ll try to do the same. thanks.
If you really need Bootstrap include it before Ionics CSS, then make sure that popup.button’s
properties have ! important
Thanks. Adding the following css solved the problem:
.popup div.row {
margin-left: 0px;
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This worked for me! thanks!