The google play developer console gives me warning like this:
“This app is built on a version of Apache Cordova that contains security vulnerabilities. This includes a high severity cross-application scripting (XAS) vulnerability.”
cordova -v
My guess would be I should update to the latest version of cordova:
npm update -g cordova
Will that be enough or should I manually update cordova plugins or my app as well? I’m also wondering what version of cordova we should install, is it 3.6 or can we use 4.0 safely with ionic?
Thanks for helping out. This is my first ionic/cordova app in the app store so I’m still figuring out the best way to do things.
Android, iOS, and the CLI run off different version numbers. Just be cause an update is available for one, doesn’t mean there is an update available for all.
It makes sense that iOS does not have an update available.