App is working smooth in Android L and M
but when i am testing it on jelly bean it changes the alignment of some things like…the back button and floats it to right…and on jelly bean and i acnnot observe no material design.
can someone please help me out …this thing is really pissing me off
AFAIK jellybean use different engine for their webview. Starting from 4.4 Android have incorporated Chromium as their webview engine
I am testing my ionic2 app on older 4.1.2 JB and Lollipop one. Both clearly render same code differently (e.g: listbox overlay, etc).
My suggestion : If you plan to release for older version of Android, test on oldest first. If that went well obviously newer device will work well also. But it is better to change your target to newer device instead.
Or he can use crosswalk
yeah crosswalk also did the trick
Thanks for the reply sir…but what is this Crosswalk and do i have to again start working for my app from scratch to use crosswalk?
Alternate browser docs including how to use crosswalk.
Thanks for the link sir…really didn’t had idea about this…
Sir can you please tell what should I do to make my app work for jelly bean in a bit elaborated way…will appreciate it…!!
Actually the app is working but the alignment of things like back button. material design is not there.
Many alignment issues are there…for that what should I do?
The app is working good on M and L…and alignment is also good in Kitkat but MD is not there
Please help
just try to add crosswalk plugin and rebuild your apk and test it.
to add crosswalk :ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
what about the size of your app , when you app the crosswalk?
I try to run it (= the tabs template) on a Galaxy SIII with Android 4.3. But I get a blank screen. The application looks fine on a Nexus 7 (Android 5.1.1). There must be something I’m missing to activate the plugin? I took these steps:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
I added this to the config.xml
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" spec="~1.6.1" />
When looking at the size of the application, it’s still the 3.99Mb in total, like before the plugin was added. It’s as if it’s completely ignored …
Any hints?
@ondonda it will be around 30MB. x86 based size will be bigger than ARM based.
@fme after adding plugin, try to remove and adding the platform back then rebuild it.
So does Ionic 2 require Crosswalk to function correctly (on older devices/Android versions) ? I mean for Ionic 1, Crosswalk was not mandatory, it worked fine without it.
- removing the ionic beta, reinstalling this,
- removing the project, recreating the project,
- before running it, adding the plug-in and editing the config.xml
- then
ionic run android
starts up correctly on 4.3.
The size bumps from 3.99Mb to 64,77Mb - wow
@wienzzz thanks, just see your comment now
@leob clearly not mandatory. It depends on how would you design your app. Crosswalk only bridging difference between Android version (which will render code differently because of different webview engine) so same code would display same thing across different android version.
@fme glad it is working for you
the problem with crosswalk is the app size , i often used it with ionic 1 , little app (3 mb) become giant with crosswalk(50mb)
i’m now developping an app a little bit big (18mb), i’m afraid of adding crosswalk , crosswalk maybe its a solution for small apps but not big
Okay but with Ionic 1 an app would display identically across Android devices, even without Crosswalk. If I understand correctly this is not the case with Ionic 2, you would need Crosswalk to have it display consistently across devices.
This is just one example of the many “surprises” you could run into if you decide to switch to Ionic 2, it comes with a number of risks, for many (most?) projects it’s safer to stick with Ionic 1 for now.
@leob I can’t comment about ionic1 since I skip it and go straight to ionic2 instead. The problem @riteshbhat17 face here is different result across different android version (which caused by different webview engine as I mentioned above) and to overcome this, one solution available is using crosswalk plugin (albeit from many cons like app size) and other solution is of course to strip older android version (ICS and JB) out from equation so we don’t have to use crosswalk
Ionic2 still not in stable release yet and it is a common sense for app developer not to use beta version in any release production of your app if you develop commercially, then go with stable release (or use beta version with its risk).
ionic2 is really fun to learn and much more easier for me to understand than ionic1 (due to its OOP nature)