is it possible if i add new data in my database my app can add or generate new page itself?
pls help me guys. tnx in advance.
Just code a template page that would update based on the new data. Use Angular’s HTTP methods to fetch the data.
this is my code:
<ion-list *ngFor=“let item of serData”>
<ion-item text-wrap [navPush]="word6" button>
<ion-avatar item-left>
<img src={{item.ser_img}}>
<ion-icon item-right name="ios-arrow-forward"></ion-icon>
this.serservice.getSerData().subscribe(result => {
err =>{
() => console.log(‘getdata completed’)
this is the outcome:
when i add new data in database it create new list.
but in the content the the 2 data mix in one page.
is it possible if i add new data in my database my app can add or generate new page itself?
tnx sir in advnce.
what do you mean sir?
Personnally i highly doubt it, I’ve seen some tutorials using parameters in URL as virtual pages, but, globally the engine make pages that mostly use post/rest calls. Imagine an app that can auto create urls itselft, it would be heaven for spammers and mad advertisers alike.
im new in ionic sir.i want to create an app for sermons.any suggestions on how to update or add new content without updating in play store.?
In Ionic Cloud, you can update your app quite often, it’s called Ionic Deploy. (after a bunch of updates you have to pay). You can alternatively use notifications for your church (Ionic Push).
Both are free to an extent, check the fees at Ionic (sorry bad version of page)
tnx sir.i will try this.
sir is there any tutorial about ionic deploy?because is confussing.