You can set the ion-content to scroll="false"
add some fixed content and add a new ion-scroll in the ion-content which is scrollable?
<ion-content scroll="false">
<div>HALLO HIHIHI</div>
// they see me scrollin' ... they hatin'
I want to have a static search field on top of the ion-content and then in the ion-content to have a collection repeat.
The reason the element has to be outside ion-content is that collection repeat needs to take the whole of ion-content and I cannot add elements on top or bottom of it.
All the subheader is doing is positioning a div absolutely and then adding top to the ion-content. You can create your own div that does this or piggyback off the bar-subheader class and tweak it. The problem is you need to know the height of the headers/subheaders above it. See this:
I found out that in some cases where the repeated items are not list items using has-tabs will set the wrong offset to the content.
Its better if you just set the height of the ion-scroll to height: calc(100% - XXXpx) where XXX is the height of the elements you want to include above the ion-scroll.
hey, like i answered… i hacked it together to show that it is working ;).
So i know you have to consider your offsets. If you are using tabs or other ionic-components there are already classes to solve the problem. (see the answer of brandyshea for tabs you can use the has-tabs class)
there you have a function which is called, when reaching the bottom or near the bottom… with the ng-if you should remove the element from the dom, if your function is done