Quiz App : Issues

We have created a quiz app using ionic framework . everything is working perfect on web browser (mac) . but when we deploy it on mobile using phoneGap following issues are there.

  1. On mobile radio button Options are overlapping footer button .
  2. Radio button not working as expected (multiple options are checked in a group , see screenshot)
  3. When we tap next or previous navigation button question skip to 2 question away from current instead of next. although it works ok if we long press it.
  4. When we move to next or prev question , for flick of second radio option of previous question appends to the current questions options.
  5. We have used googlechart it was working ok on browser (https://github.com/bouil/angular-google-chart) but its not loading for mobile app.
  6. Application is too slow, response time is too much slow.

If anybody have same problem and had solution for that please let us know.
I will put screenshot and code sample if you want it in more detail.

Also we need help on :

  1. Splash screen for application
  2. Auto adjust screen with when device is rotate. (right now it remain same as that of stating screen)

Best Regards,
Team EddyTools
Web : http://www.eddytools.com

Are you deploying to an android emulate or an actual device? You’d be amazed at the difference in speed between the two. Also, if you’re just testing on Android, be prepare for some performance issues. Android’s web view isn’t as good as IOS so be aware of that. Here’s a good article on phonegap’s site about it.

As far splash screens go, there are tools that come bundled with Android Studio and ADT for making 9 patch images for splash screens.

Hi mhartington ,
thanks for reply , most of the problem are on actual device (on emulator app work still better) . they are mostly not performance but UI issues.

again thanks for splash link.

What version on android are you using for testing?

On Mobile : Android 4.1.2
On tablet : Android 4.1.1

I know there were some issues with 4.1 over all but I updated to the latest release this morning and my issues were resolved. Give this a try

Ok i see… will test on updated version. Still we need to take care for back version as it will be part of e-learning product for our company.