Your app currently targets API level 19 and must target at least API level 26 to ensure that it is built on the latest APIs optimised for security and performance. Change your app's target API level to at least 26


I have just updated my App and set the API level 26.
After uploading it to the Play Store, I realised that my Android 7 phone could not see the app in the app store anymore.

Unfortunately, most of my users are on old devices running Android 4.4, 5.1 and 7 .
So, I have rebuilt my app with API level 19 and when trying to upload, I get the error:

“Your app currently targets API level 19 and must target at least API level 26 to ensure that it is built on the latest APIs optimised for security and performance. Change your app’s target API level to at least 26”

I do understand that Google wants me to support only API Level 26 and above.
My issue is that my clients are using older android 4.4 and 5.1 that I need to support.

Is any one else going through this?

Many thanks.

The problem was that I had in config.xml
<preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="26" />
… the solution was to also add:
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="19" />
Now my App is also available to older Android 4.4

I hope this helps others
