Apple is refusing my app because it’s using UIWebView, but I’m pretty sure I’m using WKWebView, I checked it with this code
if (window.webkit) {
and this
if (window.indexedDB) {
Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestion?
Are you using Cordova or Capacitor?
Your Plugins can use references to UiWebView too, so the mentioned check isn’t really safe. Try to search for “UiWebView” in xCode after your app build and look into the references and where they came from
I’m using Cordova, if I search “UIWebView” I get a lot of results in Cordova files (CDV files) and one in the social sharing plugin. I’ll try to fix the plugin but what about the cordova files? Should I remove the platform and re-create it?
What Cordova Version are you using?