Why doesn't Ionic View have the same functionality as PhoneGap Developer App?

I don’t understand why I can’t use the InAppBrowser plugin on Ionic view.

I can use all the Cordova plugins on PhoneGap developer app.

Does anyone know how to make an Ionic app run on Phonegap Developer app?

Any help greatly appreciated.

The InAppBrowser is used to display the apps inside of Ionic View.
Ionic View it self is an ionic app, so i needs a way to load the external apps, so we use the plugin.

Hi thanks for getting back.

The problem I’ve got is that I have to do all my development on Cloud9.

I got as far with my app as I can with the browser for testing.

I now need to test the cordova plugins, for the InApp browser and authentication.

I cannot do the usual emulation from Cloud9. I was hoping that Ionic View might help.

In the absence of that, is there any way of making the PhoneGap Developer app work with an ionic 2 project? Have you come across anyone who’s done that? The PhoneGap developer app is an app you install on your phone, like Ionic View, and it shows your app when you give it a URL. It also offers all the plugins.

The thing I don’t understand is how PhoneGap can offer an app that shows another app, but also allow the use of InAppBrowser…

thanks for your time
