White screen app crashes

When I run the ionic run android command, i only get a white screen.and nothing on emulator either.

I know the android emulator works as I have it working eith other frameworks.

I’ve had the same problem after updating the www/lib directory yesterday (updated for the 0.9.27 release).
I just replaced the directory, rebuild the app for android and had the white screen too…
Any idea?
(Sorry in advance if I missed something obvious…)

Does nothing come up in a console log anywhere? I don’t do Android (right now); so, I have no experience with the tools.

Unfortunately no trace in the ADT console.
The last line is :
ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.xxxApp/.xxxApp }
After the emulator launchez the app and displays a white screen.

I’ll try to rebuild another app this next days, and try to experiment this problem more precisely.
I’ll keep you posted.
Anyway, tanx for your answer.@Calendee

I just re created a new app in cordova, pasted the entire www content, and it was ok on the emulator, as well as on a nexus4.

I have this white screen happen quite often also, though for me it happens when I refresh the app in a regular browser window, it returns no source code, no errors, nothing. Blank. white. screen. No matter how many page reloads on the root of the domain, shift reloads etc. The only way to fix is to open a new tab/window and copy/paste the same domain in.

I am facing the same issue , Is there anybody who could help … !!!

Is there a console for android to check we run the app on phone . …??

Could you help me with this … ?? I m using android and I am facing this issue …

Is Ionic production ready even? I’ve had sooooo many daft problems with it, like this one. It’s fine one minute, the next the entire thing’s broken having changed nothing, it seems so unstable. I’ve wasted so much time chasing down issues like this!