Im storing sensitive data inside an capacitor app and it will only be read to the user. The User will however have to login to view the data but username and password will be premade. Which storage solution should I use? Sqlite, Ionic storage, @ionic storage or capacitor preferences?
If sensitive data, you would want to go for encrypted storage. Ionic offers this at their Enterprise level.
For a free option, check out GitHub - aparajita/capacitor-secure-storage: Secure, flexible storage for Capacitor apps using iOS Keychain and Android Keystore..
Is there any reason not to use a classic capacitor-secure-storage-plugin? capacitor-secure-storage-plugin - npm
is there any reason to use it? obviously i’m not familiar with capacitor plugins.
It says its for small storage. I want to store large markdown texts.
Check the last release date to see if the plugins are still maintained and check the open issues, then make a decision.
Small storage is not really defined. We store 1000 documents of kb size in “small storage”. Not sure how large your markdown files are.