I’ve run into issues regarding data storage and would appreciate some feedback.
So far I’ve been using the capacitor storage API.
My app will need to store a few dozen, maybe up to a 100 mb. Huge blobs of static text that need to be read very infrequently.
On mobile, capacitor uses SharedPreferences and UserDefaults. Both should be able to accommodate this.
Currently, the app targets only ios and android. But during development, I’m working in the browser. Here capacitor uses localStorage and I think I’m now running into a storage cap:
DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of '_cap_test' exceeded the quota.
My app is built with React, Ionic v5 and Capacitor. What options do I have, to store large files?
I’ve done some searching:
ionic storage, sounds awesome. But apparently only works with angular projects. There’s an issue for this on the ionic github, it has been resolved with the recommendation to use the capacitor storage API. This is not really a solution though, since capacitor storage is very limited in the web.
community capacitor plugin. This plugin exposes the API I need and the repository looks very clean. But it’s maintained by just a single person. Data storage is absolutely critical for my app, I’m hesitant about adding this dependency.
localForage is a convenience wrapper around IndexedDB or WebSQL. Like the capacitor plugin above, this exposes a very convenient minimal API. How would this work in capacitor? How does Capacitor treat the WebSQL API ?
Capacitor Filesystem. This one does not have a convenient API and would make my code a little more complicated. On the web it uses IndexedDB.
Did I miss anything?
Out of these options, I think I would prefer localForage, but I have no idea how this would work with Capacitor. I want to avoid running into other storage issues down the road.
Is there an approach that you would recommend?
Currently I think I might go for localForage and if it doesn’t work on mobile I’ll write a thin abstraction layer that switches between capacitor get/set and localForage get/set. The APIs really look basically identical.