Where is console.log gone?


i updated my Ionic and Cordova-ios to the last version and with this i updated one of my existing Ionic projects.

I liked debugging with “tail -f {MyProjektFolder}platforms/ios/cordova/console.log” while running the ios emulator.

But now nothing is written any more to this file when calling console.log(“logTest”);

I already removed platform ios and added it again). Before updating i used the plugin org.apache.cordova.console but now its is cordova-plugin-console. The file console.log is not existing any more.

I see logging when i open XCode7.1, but i am used not to open xcode and running the emulator from console.
I also know that i can see logging with safari developer tools. But it is time consuming every time to connect manually to the index.html when restarting the ios-simulator from console.
I also tried http://jsconsole.com and its working.

But all of this is not as productive as using the -tail command.

So my question is where is the file {MyProjektFolder}platforms/ios/cordova/console.log gone and is there any way to make it work again?

Kind regards,