Where is back button in ion-tabs?

Here is my app structre:

  • main site - index with left menu to main site and item list (no tabs)
  • item list - infinite scroll with items` (no tabs)
  • item details - after click one item from item list open item details (with tabs)

on item details I have ion-tabs:

<ion-tabs class="tabs-positive tabs-icon-top fade-in-not-out">
	<ion-tab title="Szczegóły" icon-on="ion-information" icon-off="ion-information"
		<ion-nav-view name="info"></ion-nav-view>

	<ion-tab title="Galeria" icon-on="ion-camera" icon-off="ion-camera" ng-click="vm.zmienStrone('galeria')">
		<ion-nav-view name="galeria"></ion-nav-view>

	<ion-tab ng-if="vm.atrakcja.film" title="Film" icon-on="ion-ios-videocam" icon-off="ion-ios-videocam"
		<ion-nav-view name="film"></ion-nav-view>

Every ion-nav-view has it’s state in router

What I want? Back button in item details - that back button should always (on every tab) go to item list.
Now back button desapears :confused:

I want to reset my nav history only by clicking link in menu using nav-clear

Unfortunately ion-tabs will not work with the history stack prior to going to your tabs page so you won’t be able to achieve that with ion-tabs.

You may be better off just using the tabs css classes in divs. The only thing you will have to manage yourself is setting the “active” tab on click or state change.

Also, I believe nav-clear was deprecated as of beta 14. :smile:

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@djett, can you please provide any Codepen showing this approach?

Thanks in advance

Sure… look at the more.html template in the codepen for an example