Web Intent

Hi guys,

Recently I got my app rejected from Play Store.

We found that your app is not compliant with how REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission is allowed to be used. Specifically, the use of the permission is not directly related to the core purpose of the app.

I did a little investigation and figured out that this permission request:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" />

coming from com-darryncampbell-cordova-plugin-intent
what is related to awesome-cordova-plugins/web-intent
formerly https://ionicframework.com/docs/v5/native/web-intent

I wanted to raise an issue with the original plugin especially after found out somebody else also asked about it in the past but seems to be the plugin got archived.

My question would be that maybe you guys are planning to create some official plugins for web intent in the future for capacitor? (Since this one seems to be not updated anymore :frowning: )

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I have noticed that some people also might be interested in this.
I found a third-party plugin suggested by awesome capacitor.
That can be a good candidate to leave behind Cordova properly and might resolve the issue mentioned by me, but I have not had time to try it out yet.

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